Vine49’s Top Picks: Must-Visit Vineyards and Pubs in Kelowna

Author: admin
Date: April 9, 2024

Our Top Must-Visit Vineyards Picks:

Crown and Thieves

made by scoundrels, sipped by royalty

From the moment you set foot in Crown and Thieves, you're transported to an era when vineyards were the playground of the elite. The chateaux-inspired architecture, nestled in the West Kelowna hills, stands as an emblem of Crown and Thieves' commitment to the art of exquisite wine. The view from their tasting room, overlooking Okanagan Lake, provides a sublime backdrop to the majesty of their merlots and crisp chardonnays. Put Crown and Thieves on your bucketlist for Must-Visit Vineyards.

Frind Estate Beach Winery

smooth, fruit forward wines

Frind Estate Beach Winery, with its enviable location on the shores of Lake Okanagan, lets nature be the maestro of their maritime climate wines. Their vineyard, kissed by the same gentle breezes that ripple the lake, crafts pinots and rieslings that capture the essence of the terroir. A tasting experience here is akin to a symphony - each tasting note a harmonic note in the purest expression of the varietal's potential.

The Hatch

Hatch Open The Experience of Wine

For The Hatch, wine is not just a product but a performance, an experience that engages all the senses. Step inside their tasting 'den' to encounter the eclectic ambiance of this artisan winery. The Hatch's philosophy is carved into their tasting room walls, an effervescent blend of high art, humor, and an unwavering commitment to offering wines that are as audacious as they are tasty.

Little Straw

A Legacy in Every Bottle

With a history that stretches back to Kelowna's winemaking infancy, Little Straw is a living testament to the sustained craft of winemaking and family values. The vineyard, founded in 1964, continues to offer a taste of this heritage through varietals that are deeply rooted in the region's winemaking foundations. Each bottle of Little Straw whispers history, indulging the palate with every drop.

Volcanic Hills

Wines That Erupt with Deep Rooted Flavour

At Volcanic Hills, the soil's volcanic heritage infuses their vines with mineral rich flavours. The 'Old World Winery Meets New World Wines' ethos marries the architecture of rock and timber with the modernity of their winemaking process. Every wine at Volcanic Hills is a geological tour, allowing you to taste the ancient volcanoes' fieriness and the valley's terroir.


The Perfect Pairing

Located in the industrial cool of Kelowna, Beaumont winery is a connoisseur's playground. Here, amid the stainless-steel tanks, the art of craft winemaking is at its most transparent. The tasting room offers a casual, yet refined, environment to enjoy their fine wines. The experience is rounded out by the vineyard's philosophy of community, often hosting local artisans and growers’ collaborations.

Mt. Boucherie

Wine with a Spectacular View

Named after the geographical heavyweight that casts its shadow over the Okanagan valley, Mt. Boucherie Winery is a landmark of the wine community. Their terrace offers a panoramic view of their own vineyards and overlook the stunning Okanagan Lake and surrounding mountains.


Organic Wine, Wines and Farms on the Lakeside

Rollingdale is an organic and biodynamic winery. Their commitment to sustainable practices goes hand-in-hand with their dedication to creating some of the most charming wines in the valley. A tasting here is not only a delight for the palate, but a triumph for ecological sensibilities too.


Bold Wines for Adventurous Explorers

Grizzly crafts bold, robust wines that reflect the untamed spirit of the wild. Their commitment to the bold and brazen in both wine and ethos means a tasting session with Grizzly is always an adventure. Thier values are family-centered and communnity-inspired.

Vine 49 Must-Visit Vineyards. Photo of unique winery.

Vine 49 Will Get You to Your Wine Tasting

At Vine49, we believe in crafting experiences that leave lasting memories. For those who yearn for a seamless adventure through Kelowna's vibrant wine and pub scene, our shuttle service offers the ultimate convenience. Imagine not worrying about navigation or the drive; just pure enjoyment of every tasting, every scenery, and every moment. Book individual tastings, and our shuttle will whisk you away to the heart of Kelowna's terroir, from one breathtaking venue to the next.

Bespoke Tour Packages

Prefer to leave the planning to the experts? Opt for our tour packages. With this option, Vine49 becomes your personal sommelier and guide. We meticulously plan and book all your tastings, considering your preferences to craft a tour that's uniquely yours. From cozy, hidden gems to grand estates, we promise an itinerary that spans the spectrum of Kelowna's wine culture.



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