Indigenous World Winery

Where Traditional and Modern Culture Comes Together

Take in a breath-catching sunset view of Lake Okanagan from British Columbia’s first fully Indigenous-owned winery — where the ancient Okanagan Syilx culture merges with the region’s thriving wine scene, courtesy of visionaries Robert and Bernice Louie.

Simo - Connected to the land

Simo, which means “connected to the land,” is the company’s flagship wine and it’s named for owner Robert Louie. Indigenous World Winery’s history is rooted in a People who have lived in this region for millennia. Robert Louie, former chief of the Westbank First Nation, developed the concept for the winery with his wife, Bernice, in 2011. The couple share a strong passion for nature, the land, and the rich history and traditions of the Syilx people.
Explore BC’s Okanagan Valley

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